Associated TP13: Identification and validation of aberrant miRNA expression patterns in the context of autoimmune diseases in humans
Micro(mi)RNAs play crucial roles in developmental processes and maintenance of cellular as well as systemic homeostasis. On the other hand, aberrant expression and/or function of miRNAs may cause several pathological states like various types of cancer as well as metabolic, neurodegenerative, infectious, and chronic inflammatory diseases. Recently, new data encourage the guess aberrant miRNA expression is likewise involved in progression or manifestation of autoimmune diseases. Deregulated miRNA expression has been correlated with the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Moreover, there is increasing support miRNAs might be involved the pathogenesis of psoriasis, atopic eczema, autoimmune encephalomyelitis and lupus nephritis. The proposed project aims at a functional validation and subsequent characterization of microarray predicted RNA-based regulatory networks. It is anticipated the project will lead to the detection of new aberrant miRNA expression patters which could shad light on the underlying pathomechanisms of autoimmune diseases and in the long run pave the avenue for the identification and validation of novel targets for treatment.

- Projects
- Projects
- Associated projects
- MD projects
- Associated MD projects
- Concluded projects
- Concluded TP
- Concluded Ass.TP
- associated TP1 - Immunoadsorbtion
- associated TP2 - Breg
- associated TP3 - Osteoimmunology
- associated TP4 - Cytokines in EBA
- associated TP5 - Scaring alopecia
- associated TP6 - Diet and Autoimmunity
- associated TP7 - QTL in RA
- associated TP8 - Systems biology
- associated TP9 - Microbiome
- associated TP10 - Wound healing in EBA
- associated TP11 - Novel BP model
- associated TP12 - Anti-p200 pemphigoid
- associated TP13 - miRNA expression patterns
- associated TP14 - therapeutic Collagen VII and XVII-specific IgGs
- associated TP 15 - Bioactive lipid mediaters
- associated TP 17 - The role of mitochondrial DNA
- associated TP 18 -Pathogenesis of pemphigoid diseases
- associated TP 19 - New neutrophil inhibitors
- associated TP 20 - Glycosylated antibodies & autoreactive B cells
- associated TP 21 - Glycosylated IgA
- associated TP 22 - Neuronal auto-antigens
- associated TP 23 - Neuroinflammatory autoantibodies
- associated TP 24 - T cell repertoire
- associated TP 25 - Nutrition in EBA
- associated TP 26 - Circadian clocks in EBA
- associated TP 27 - Pemphigus characterization
- associated TP 28 - Mast cells in BP
- associated TP 29 - IL-10 in EBA
- Concluded MD TP
- Concluded Ass. MD TP