Associated TP17: The role of mitochondrial DNA in autoimmune skin blistering diseases
Mitochondrial dysfunction is thought to contribute to autoimmunity as well as neurodegenerative andmetabolic disorders and infection. The most likely mechanism is the increased production of reactiveoxygen species (ROS) and its downstream effects on the cells affected. The mitochondrial proteinsinvolved are either encoded by the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Most studies analyzing the role of the mitochondria in autoimmunity, however, focused on the nuclear-genome-encoded proteinsprimarily because of the lack of adequate mitochondrial-genome mutant mice. To study the role of mitochondrial-genome encoded proteins in autoimmunity a series of mitochondrial mutant mice (conplastic strains) have been recently generated in our group. In addition, by using this conplastic strains our group has previously reported the mtDNA mutations clearly associated with disease susceptibility in a series of experimental autoimmune models (Yu et al Genome Res 2009). This motivated to study the role of mtDNA in autoimmune blistering skin diseases.The aim of this study is to investigate the potential role of mtDNA variations in the susceptibility to experimental autoimmune skin blistering diseases, in particularly epidermolysis bullosa acquisita (EBA). First, the screening of a panel of conplastic strains will be performed by inducing local EBA model. Once strains showing different disease susceptibility are identified, the responsible cell type (e.g. macrophages) will be sought, followed by functional study of such cells. Finally, the pathway mediating the mtDNA mutation and the downstream effect on the disease will be elucidated.
Paul graduated in March 2017. Congratulations!

- Projects
- Projects
- Associated projects
- MD projects
- Associated MD projects
- Concluded projects
- Concluded TP
- Concluded Ass.TP
- associated TP1 - Immunoadsorbtion
- associated TP2 - Breg
- associated TP3 - Osteoimmunology
- associated TP4 - Cytokines in EBA
- associated TP5 - Scaring alopecia
- associated TP6 - Diet and Autoimmunity
- associated TP7 - QTL in RA
- associated TP8 - Systems biology
- associated TP9 - Microbiome
- associated TP10 - Wound healing in EBA
- associated TP11 - Novel BP model
- associated TP12 - Anti-p200 pemphigoid
- associated TP13 - miRNA expression patterns
- associated TP14 - therapeutic Collagen VII and XVII-specific IgGs
- associated TP 15 - Bioactive lipid mediaters
- associated TP 17 - The role of mitochondrial DNA
- associated TP 18 -Pathogenesis of pemphigoid diseases
- associated TP 19 - New neutrophil inhibitors
- associated TP 20 - Glycosylated antibodies & autoreactive B cells
- associated TP 21 - Glycosylated IgA
- associated TP 22 - Neuronal auto-antigens
- associated TP 23 - Neuroinflammatory autoantibodies
- associated TP 24 - T cell repertoire
- associated TP 25 - Nutrition in EBA
- associated TP 26 - Circadian clocks in EBA
- associated TP 27 - Pemphigus characterization
- associated TP 28 - Mast cells in BP
- associated TP 29 - IL-10 in EBA
- Concluded MD TP
- Concluded Ass. MD TP