MD TP69: Establishing a 3D-model of human skin for translational use
Bioengineering deals with utilization of synthetic tissue, organs, or parts of organs for basic and translational science. In cooperation with international partners, we will establish a human full-thickness skin model for translational use.
Validation will be executed by immunofluorescence microscopy and qPCR approaches. We assume that this innovative and standardized model of human skin will allow to reduce animal experiments in the future.

- Projects
- Projects
- Associated projects
- MD projects
- MD TP51 - Humanized mouse model for systemic sclerosis...
- MD TP63 - Investigating pemphigus vulgaris pathogenesis using a human skin organ culture model
- MD TP64 - Expression of C5aR1 and C5aR2 in skin biobsies of bullous pemphigus patients
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- MD TP66 - Role of IL-13 in the pathogenesis of experimental systemic sclerosis
- MD TP67 - Experimental mouse model for Pemphigus vulgaris
- MD TP68 - Elucidating the mechanisms of IL-10 production in plasma cells
- MD TP69 - Establishment and utilization of a 3D-model of human skin for translational utilisation
- Associated MD projects
- Concluded projects